Mama's JERKS

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mrs. Christopher Bengtson

Your probably wondering when I'm going to post some of the delicious meals I've made for my family right?!!  HeHe!  Well, I have actually made a number of new recipes, but I keep forgetting to take pictures and I'm sorry but I hate reading blogposts with no pictures!  Maybe that's why I get along so well with preschoolers, I am a total visual person.

I do, however, have a thought that come to mind while searching some of my cookbooks for a good hamburger bun recipe.  So yes, if you have a good one please do share (and if it says to scald the milk you will need to tell me just how that is done).  I did try a recipe a couple weeks ago and it was very easy, the buns turned out very nice, but they were a bit yeasty and sweet for my taste.  Ok!  So back to my thought...what was my thought?  hmmm...O yes!  I noticed in one of my church cookbooks, all of the women were referred to as...Mrs. Husband's Name/Last name  ie...Mrs. Christopher Bengtson.   I remember as a child my mother, at times, would call herself by Mrs. my father's name, and she said it with such pride.   I loved hearing her say that, and I couldn't wait to be like my mom so I could be somebody's Mrs.  It makes me sad, and I wonder why things have to change.  Over the years I have heard women say..."Do not refer to me as Mrs., I am not owned by my husband!!"  I didn't think much of it, and just each her own right?   Well, as I learn more about God's plan for marriage, I realize how that it is this way of thinking that tears marriages apart.  Why not rather than think of it as being owned by someone,  think of it as; you are so blessed, there is a man who sees you as his favorite, who committed himself to care for you for the rest of your life.  I am so honored to have a husband, and I would like everyone to know that I AM Mrs. Christopher Bengtson!!!  He cares for me, and I care for him and that is another gift from our loving Father in Heaven.

Proverbs 18:22  He who finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the Lord.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This too shall pass...

The Jerks aren't feeling so hot these days...well actually, they feel very hot.  104 degrees hot!!!  Baby Jerk has had it the worst.  He was admitted to the area hospital for an overnight observation on Tuesday, was doing much better when I brought him home yesterday, but today he looks like this...

and brown eyes...not so good either...haven't actually seen much of his brown eyes, as he is like this most of the time today :(

and then there is Crazy Jerk...he never misses a bug that crosses his path...

This is a nice picture to show you how nice my Jerks can treat one another.  Big Brother Jerk has
 (so far) managed to skim passed the yuck,
 but that doesn't stop him from snuggling with his little brother.

So it's been a rocky couple of months due to illness at our house.  At Christmas time, we all took turns with a miserable stomach bug.  The day after Christmas I had a tooth pulled, and that was a less than pleasurable experience.  I really thought I was kinda tough when it comes to physical pain, but this experience has proven me WRONG!  Mouth pain is so miserable!  The initial pain from the pulling of the tooth subsided after about a week and a half, but then it's neighbor decided to start mourning the loss of it's companion!  Really!  Who knew teeth were so sentimental?!!

So now I have a crazy story I just HAVE to share...I just told Papa Jerk, and I think he had tears in his eyes, so BEWARE!!  Kleenex may be necessary (or a least a sleeve)!
Anyway, this afternoon I layed down on the couch for a nap with the Sick Little Jerks.  While napping I had a dream...I was sitting at my kitchen table having tea with my mother.  We were having such a wonderful time, but it's as if my body knew it was only a dream because I kept saying someone pinch me!  Then I said, "I need to text Mama D and tell her my Mom is here having tea with me!"  I suddenly woke up from my dream, as I was trying to grab my phone from my pocket.  Imagine if I had text her in my sleep!  She would really wonder what a nut case she was friends with.  So, at that moment I became extremely disappointed.  I just wanted to go back to sleep, so I could see my mom again.  As I was sitting there, so forlorn, the dog started to bark at someone who pulled in the driveway.  Crazy Jerk says, "Mom, the flower delivery man is here."  I told him just to go to the door and see what he wanted (figured he was at the wrong house).  I could hear the man say he had a delivery for me.  Crazy carried in to me, this beautiful arrangement of yellow flowers.

Yellow flowers were my Mom's favorite!  Actually, anything yellow was my Mom's favorite! 
I opened the card attached which said, "Things will get better soon" ~ Sandy.
Sandy is my mother inlaw, but my mother's name was also Sandy.  My Mom was notorious for saying, "This too shall pass".  Do you see the similarity here?  Things will get better soon...This too shall pass...Sandy...Sandy...yellow flowers.  Tears flowed down my cheeks like streams after a hard rain.  I could not believe it!  It was as if my Mom was saying, "I know my physical body is not there, but there are so many people who love you and want to help you."  I cannot replace my mother, but God has given me a mother inlaw who truly understands the importance of holding on to the memories of our treasured loved ones.  God puts people in our lives to do these things because he loves us.  What an awesome gift! 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's try this again!

Long time no see!  Well, sorry about the delay, but it seems computers do not last forever and mine decided to die sometime during the middle of last February.  I was able to replace it this summer, but just didn't have the desire to start blogging again.  Well, today is January 1st and time for new resolutions, so here I am! 

Normally I'm not one for resolutions, but I actually have some this year!  Well, it's kind of one resolution with different aspects.  So, I find myself praying a lot for God's guidance in my help me see what he wants me to do with my life.  Sound familiar?!!  Throughout the last year I've noticed that I AM where he wants me to be!  I AM doing what he wants me to do!  I do not need to look elsewhere, because his desire for me is to be home (with a bunch of JERKS).  To train the boys to be faithful men of God (Proverbs 22:6), and to be my husband's helper (Genesis 2:18).  This isn't terribly difficult for me, because I had an amazing mother who taught me how to be a Godly wife and mother. She always let us know that our dad came first, but that we were very important to her as well.  She sacrificed so much to be able to stay home and serve our family.  For some reason, however, I believed the lies of Satan that I was to be doing something greater.  Greater for who?  Greater for me...which is not great in the eyes of the Lord.  Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

I've also struggled with the desire to be able to be creative, but not having a proper space to do the things I love.  So, when I asked God to show me a space I could use...he showed me the kitchen!  For those of you who know me, you know that I really do not care to cook.  Hamburger Helper and frozen pizza have always been staples in our home.  Suddenly, I have realized that I can really enjoy making food for my family.  God has shown me a new joy.  So, my resolution is to work harder on healthier yet frugal recipes.  Each week I plan to try something new, and plan several things I can make and freeze.  My reward will be...I get to blog it!!!  I do love photo journalism!  Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!  Blessed are they who take refuge in him!  Psalm 34:8

Happy New Year!   Do you have any resolutions for 2012?  Listen...maybe God has one for you too!