~At lunch the other day, he says, "Tastes funny" I say, "Why does it taste funny?" He says, "Tastes like paint." This particular one is a lot more funny if you've watched Dennis the Mennis (or Dennis Dennis as he calls it) the number of times we have lately. He was quoting a line from George Wilson.
~Crazy Jerk was playing hard today, and afterwards smelled...well...terrible!! I told him he need to get in the shower because he smelled bad, and then turned to Lil Brown Eyes and asked if he was going to stink when he gets bigger too. His reply, "Yeah, I fart!" I've only got one word for that...BOYS!!!
~"Silly me" has been a common one that makes me smile, and "Right Mama?" Love it!
~Tonight in the bathtub, he took a toy away from Baby Jerk and said, " No No...you're too little. Wait til your big like me." The toy was a measuring cup. :)
~This one has me a bit worried. I asked him what his name is. He says, "My name is Jesus." He absolutely refuses to tell anyone his name...ever, but tonight he is Jesus.
~Last but not least! Yesterday we got a set of "newer" appliances (much newer actually). He asked me why I have 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 ovens. I said I only have 2 ovens, because we needed a new one. He says, "O daddy give it you? That's very nice!"
Well that's all for now folks! Tune in again soon for more updates on the JERKS!