Mama's JERKS

Friday, February 18, 2011


Little Brown Eyed Jerk has been so full of comedy lately.  I only wish I could truly capture his dialog,  just the way it sounds when he says it.  Just imagine a pause and thought in between each word. O, and don't forget to picture his darling brown eyes and smile.  Ok, now I'm going to share a few with you and see if you lol as well!

~At lunch the other day, he says, "Tastes funny"  I say, "Why does it taste funny?"  He says,  "Tastes like paint."  This particular one is a lot more funny if you've watched Dennis the Mennis (or Dennis Dennis as he calls it) the number of times we have lately.  He was quoting a line from George Wilson.

~Crazy Jerk was playing hard today, and afterwards smelled...well...terrible!!  I told him he need to get in the shower because he smelled bad, and then turned to Lil Brown Eyes and asked if he was going to stink when he gets bigger too.  His reply,  "Yeah, I fart!"  I've only got one word for that...BOYS!!!

~"Silly me"  has been a common one that makes me smile, and "Right Mama?"  Love it!

~Tonight in the bathtub, he took a toy away from Baby Jerk and said, " No're too little.  Wait til your big like me."   The toy was a measuring cup.  :)

~This one has me a bit worried.  I asked him what his name is.  He says,  "My name is Jesus."  He absolutely refuses to tell anyone his name...ever, but tonight he is Jesus.

~Last but not least!  Yesterday we got a set of "newer" appliances (much newer actually).  He asked me why I have 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 ovens.  I said I only have 2 ovens, because we needed a new one.  He says,  "O daddy give it you?  That's very nice!"

Well that's all for now folks!  Tune in again soon for more updates on the JERKS!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just Like Mommy Used to Make

When I was a little girl, my mom used to make cherry cupcakes, with pink frosting and conversation hearts on them for my birthday.  Today was the first birthday I spent without a mom.  It's a weird feeling...the person who gave you life (on your birthday) isn't here to celebrate it with you.  I miss my mom a lot, she was a very thoughtful, loving mom.  However, God has blessed me with so many wonderful people throughout my life.  Today my Husband's Mom (sounds better than Mother In-law), told me she had something for me for my birthday.  So, I stopped by her house after my Bible Study, and this is what she had made me.
Mommy used to make.

A very thoughtful JERK

Earlier today Big Brother Jerk made me a birthday cake.  I had every intention to take a picture of it, but by the time I got a chance...this is what the cake looked like.  Anyway, it was very tasty and VERY thoughtful.
I'm so thankful for all my boys, and Big Brother Jerk is a great kid I couldn't be more proud!

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What a Crock!!!

HaHa...nope not mad...just bragging about my new crock.
My friend Mama "D" went to an auction the other day and scored this for me!
She has a few of them scattered around her house, to catch those odds and ends the boys leave around.
She has a lot of great ideas for quick clean up...I like to copy her every now and then :)
She did warn me however, there may be an occassional half of a sandwich found amongst the toys.
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Happy Birthday to me!!!

This morning I woke up and poured a cup of coffee, like I always do.  However, when I went to the fridge to get my creamer, my container had only a drop left in it.  It seems one of my jerks (and I mean it this time) had used it all yesterday.  My older boys like coffee, but 1 in-particular, and I'm not naming any names 
(but he often does "crazy" things) likes mostly cream in his.

Did I mention it's my birthday?  So, Papa Jerk went to the store to pick some up for me.  He asked what flavor, and I told him something caramel (apparently there were a lot), so he got all they had.  I feel extra spoiled. Since Papa Jerk detests the grocery store, and he went for me anyway.
Now that's a jerk I can live with!